Monday, February 23, 2015

New papers of interest

It has been a long while since I last updated this blog, largely because I was very busy with my work.  So, I have decided not to write too much but to just share some latest research findings (mostly of other peoples) that are interesting and relevant to our daily life.  The following are two new results that may be of general interest.

1. The power of labor union:

Essentially, the study finds that companies tend to withhold good news and promote bad news when they face a powerful labor union.  The motivation is to increase their bargaining power against the workers.

2. Why companies do CSR?

Well, the study finds that "close call" CSR proposals increase firms' positive announcement results and accounting performance.  The authors did further tests and found that labor productivity and sales growth increased after these CSR proposals.  Intriguing, isn't it?